Anyways, today's post is about Faramir and Boromir, two of mine and Rosie's favorite characters in LOTR. They are just so human, you know? They're so flawed. And I know a lot of people don't like Boromir because he tried to take the Ring and blah blah blah, but I really love him. You know why? He felt so guilty. Have you seen the guilt in his eyes when he's on the forest floor dying and he said to Aragorn, "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring....they've taken the little ones!" And of course his shining moment when he fights all of those Uruk-Hai trying to protect Merry and Pippin. There's no dry eyes when I watch that part. That is why I love him.
And then there is Faramir, the stupid little runt in Denethor's eyes. The younger son. The weak one. The failure. I mean, can you imagine living like that? Always in your brother's shadow? But that's why I love Faramir. Even though he is always second best, he still loves Boromir (and even Denethor!) and doesn't blame him for his father's actions. That's brotherly love right there. If only Denethor knew who was really the stronger of the two. When Boromir was almost in possession of the Ring, he succumbed to its power and threatened to kill Frodo. When Faramir was almost in possession of the Ring, he stayed strong and did the right thing: he let Frodo go. Even though if he would have gotten the Ring, he could have actually proved his father wrong and made him proud!
Here's an extended scene from the Two Towers that perfectly shows how Denethor prefers Boromir and how Faramir still loves both of them.